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The Oversight Board is responsible for the task of monitoring, tracking and reporting on Scotland’s progress to keep the promise.

Through its reports it highlights what has happened, and what else is needed for Scotland to keep the promise by 2030.

Reports of The Oversight Board

The Oversight Board reports to the care community and the Scottish Parliament.

But their reports are also intended for the workforce, and everyone else who has some part to play in keeping the promise. So far, The Oversight Board has published three reports. At times, they also make specific asks of:

  • specific public sector organisations
  • Scottish Government.

The Oversight Board highlights where the promise isn’t being kept, and where organisations are able to do things differently.

When organisations could work together to #KeepThePromise, then the Board’s able to highlight that, too.

The Oversight Board’s work isn’t just about holding organisations accountable.

It’s about encouraging them to work together, to build something that’s focused on the needs of children, young people and families.

Members of The Oversight Board

The Members of The Oversight Board bring both expertise and lived experience of care to their role.

They’re recruited based on a set of values which reflect those which the Independent Care Review operated under. Over half of them have their own experience of care.

Through their skills, knowledge and experience, they’re well placed to identify action which they know will lead to better lives for children and families.

The Oversight Board is supported by The Promise Scotland

In undertaking its role, The Oversight Board is supported by The Promise Scotland. This organisation provides secretariat support to The Oversight Board, while remaining separate to it.

The Promise Scotland has work underway which will help The Oversight Board in its monitoring, tracking and reporting. However, The Oversight Board does not have governance responsibility for these projects.